Press releases

DexTech Medical announces upcoming multiple myeloma study

27 September, 2022

The application for an Fas1 study regarding the effect of OsteoDex on patients with multiple myeloma (MM) was approved and granted permission by the Medical Products Agency on August 10, […]

Dextech Medical AB Annual report 210701-220630

20 September, 2022

Download the annual report below. Dextech Medical AB Annual report 210701-220630

Year-end report July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022

30 August, 2022

Summary of the fourth quarter (2022-04-01 – 2022-06-30) Net sales amounted to MSEK 0,0 (0,0) Operating profit/loss amounted to MSEK -2,1 (-1,5) Earnings per share* SEK -0.11 (-0.10) * Before […]

DexTech Medical’s application for myeloma study approved

10 August, 2022

The application for a phase1 study regarding OsteoDex’s effect on patients with multiple myeloma that was submitted to the Medical Products Agency on 2022-06-23 has been approved and granted permission […]

Report from the Extraordinary General Meeting

11 May, 2022

Today, May 11, 2022, the Extra General Meeting of DexTech Medical AB was held. Below is a summary of the decisions made. All decisions were made by the required majority. […]

Interim report July 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022

29 April, 2022

By “Company” or “DexTech” is meant DexTech Medical AB with organization number 556664-6203. Summary of the third quarter (2022-01-01 – 2022-03-31) Net sales amounted to MSEK 0,0 (0,0) Operating profit/loss […]

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting in DexTech Medical AB

25 April, 2022

Dextech Medical AB’s shareholders are welcome to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting which will take place on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 10.00 in IVA’s conference center, Royal. Academy of […]

DexTech Medical strengthens its organization, Andreas Segerros proposed as new Chairman of the Board

6 April, 2022

The Board of Directors of DexTech Medical AB (“DexTech” or “the Company”) has decided to strengthen the Company’s organization with the main focus on future business based on DexTech’s unique […]

Half-year report July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021

15 February, 2022

By “Company” or “DexTech” is meant DexTech Medical AB with organization number 556664-6203. Summary of the Second Quarter (2021-10-01 – 2021-12-31) Net sales amounted to MSEK 0,0 (0,0) Operating profit/loss […]

Last day of trading in BTA

24 January, 2022

DexTech Medical AB (“DexTech” or the “Company”) hereby announces that the last day of trading in Paid Subscribed Shares (Sw. BTA) will be on 27 January 2022 and stop day […]