Year-end report July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

30 August, 2024

Summary of year-end report

Fourth quarter (2024-04-01 – 2024-06-30)

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 0.0 million (0.0)
  • Operating profit amounted to SEK -1.6 million (-1.3)
  • Earnings per share* SEK -0.07 (-0.06)

Full year (2023-07-01 – 2024-06-30)

  • Net sales amounted to SEK 0.0 million (0.0)
  • Operating profit amounted to SEK -5.5 million (-4.9)
  • Earnings per share* SEK -0.25 (-0.25)
  • Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year amounted to SEK 19.0 (25.2) million

* Before and after dilution. Earnings per share: Profit for the period divided by the average number of

shares 18,485,857. For the comparison period, the average number of shares was 18,485,857.

Amounts in brackets refer to the corresponding period last year.

Comments from the CEO

On August 12, DexTech Medical announced new positive results from the myeloma study. The Phase

1 study examines the efficacy of OsteoDex in patients with progressive treatment-resistant multiple

myeloma (MM). Progressive disease means that the disease progresses and does not respond to

existing treatment. The first dose group (3mg/kg) is now ready and the DMC (Data Monitoring

Committee) has approved the start of dose group 2 (6mg/kg). DMC assesses all analysis results to

decide on the next higher dose. No side effects related to OsteoDex have been noted. All patients

show a decrease in skeletal biomarkers. Three out of four patients have stable disease after

completion of treatment (stable = no progression of the disease). Patients with stable disease will

be followed up until new progress according to the approved amendment, which provides information

on how long the treatment effect lasts.

The principal investigator (PI) is Dr Katarina Uttervall, MD, PhD, Department of Hematology/HERM,

Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge. Biomarkers are analysed at the Central Laboratory,

Karolinska University Hospital, NKS, Solna. Patients with relapsed/treatment-resistant disease who

have received 1–5 prior lines of therapy are included. The primary objective is to confirm safety and

tolerability and as a secondary objective to determine any treatment response. Documentation of

quality of life will also be done (QoL scores).

The first patient was treated in December at Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge. The first test

results from patient 1 were received on 23 January and show a very strong effect on the marker of

osteoclasts activity (CTX). The patient has now completed treatment according to the study protocol

and now has stable disease. Stable disease means that the disease does not progress (slowed

down). The results are important and indicate that Osteodex can slow relapsed/treatment-resistant


The fact that three out of four patients respond to treatment with the lowest dose exceeds all

expectations. We look forward with excitement to treatment with higher doses.

Anders R Holmberg

DexTech – Year-end report July 2023 – June 2024